Work Linkswww.kitazuleta.comKeep up w/ ALL THINGS Kita.. Join her EMAIL list 📨Book a Free Consultation with KitaBrand Strategy IG: @lajefakitaBrand Photography IG: @kitazuletaphotoBrand Photography PortfolioConnect w/ Kita on LinkedInCCJ Community LinksJoin the Cafecito Con Jefas Community Email ListJoin the CCJ Casita MembershipCommunity + Podcast IG: @cafecitoconjefasFollow CCJ on LinkedInBuy the OG CCJ SweatshirtBuy Kita A CafecitoJefa WorkshopsGet on the Jefa Workshop Presenter WaitlistCCJ Podcast LinksListen to the Cafecito Con Jefas PodcastGet on the waitlist to be a guest on the showInterviews featuring KitaThe ADHD + Multipotentialite Life: Building A Business Using ALL Your Superpowers w/ Entre Tias y AmiguisMeet Kita Zuleta w/ Hood Girls Travel TooNavigating Real Life + Entrepreneurship w/ Wine + ChimeRemoving Loneliness + Building Community w/ Bea Boss CoachingEntrepreneurship as a Latina w/ Growing with SolHow To Hire A Branding Photographer w/ Our Latina LensPoderosa Woman Wednesday w/ Madre Mia BellezaKita Zuleta: Supporting Jefas with building + growing their brand, while also cultivating a community of true connection w/ Elevating La CulturaStay Grounded Through The Unknown w/ Nataly QWhy Your Online Business Needs Brand Photography w/ Mama Turned MomprenuerJefa Affiliate LinksAmazon StorefrontAudiobook RecommendationsJoin ClickUp to ORGANIZE your brainUse Coolers to create your brand’s color paletteGet 3 months of Fathom Premium FREEGet 50% OFF your first year of FlodeskGet $200 OFF your first billing with PixiesetGet $50 OFF your first Peerspace booking of $150 or more